Juang, Horng-Heng

Juang, Horng-Heng

AppointmentsChairman & Professor

LabCellular Metabolism & Molecular Endocrinology


School/NationPhysiology, University of Maryland at Baltimore, Baltimore,Maryland, USA.

Tel:  (03)2118800 ext 5071

E-mail: hhj143@mail.cgu.edu.tw

Research website:

研究室現有: 博士後研究員 






Research outline(1-3 pages)




  1. Juang HH, Musah AI, Schwabe C, Anderson LL. 1989. Effect of relaxin and antirelaxin serum on porcine sperm motility. Animal Reproduction Science 20:21-29.

2. Juang HH, Musah AI, Schwabe C, Anderson LL. 1990. Immunoactive relaxin in boar seminal plasma and its correlation with sperm motility. Animal Reproduction Science 22:47-53.

3. Juang HH, Musah AI, Anderson LL. 1990. Ethylendiamine-tetracacetic acid (EDTA) and caffeine are antagonistic to anti-relaxin serum inhibition of porcine sperm motility. Animal Reproduction Science 22:253-260.

4. Kapcala LP, Juang HH, Weng CF. 1990. Corticotropin-releasing hormone and dexamethasone do not alter secretion of immunoreactive-β-endorphin from dissociated fetal hypothalamic cell culture. Brain Research 532:76-81.

5. Kapcala LP, Weng CF, Juang HH. 1992. Protein kinase C activation stimulates beta-endorphin secretion from hypothalamic cells. Brain Research Bulletin 29:553-557.

6. Juang HH, Costello L, Franklin R. 1995. Androgen modulation of multiple start sites of the mitochondrial aspartate amino-transferase gene in rat prostate. Journal of Biology Chemistry 270:12629-12634.

7. Franklin R, Juang HH, Zou J, Costello L. 1995. Regulation of citrate metabolism by androgen in LNCaP human prostate carcinoma cell line. Endocrine 3:603-607.

8. Juang HH, Musah AI, Schwabe C, Ford, JJ, Anderson, LL. 1996. Relaxin in peripherial plasma of boars during development, couplation, after administration of human chorionic gonadotropin and after castration. Journal of reproduction and Fertility 107:1-6.

9. Juang HH. 2004. Modulatin of mitochondrial aconitase on the bioenergy of human prostate carcinoma cells. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism 81:244-252.

10.Juang HH. 2004. Cyclic Adenosine 3’,5’- Monosphosphate mediate prolactin regulation of mitochondrial aconitase in human prostate carcinoma cells. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 219:141-149.

11. Juang HH. 2004. Nitroprusside stimulates mitochondrial aconitase gene expression through the cyclic adenosine 3’,5’- monosphosphate signal transduction pathway in human prostate carcinoma cells. Prostate 61:92-102.

12. Juang HH. 2004. Modulation of iron on mitochondrial aconitase expression in human prostatic carcinoma cells. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 265:185-194.

13. Juang HH*, Hsieh ML, Tsui KH. 2004. Testosterone modulates mitochondrial aconitase in the full-length human androgen receptor-transfected PC-3 prostatic carcinoma cells. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 33:121-132.

14. Tsui KH, Chang PL, Lin HT, Juang HH*. 2004. Down-regulation of prostate specific antigen promoter by p53 in human prostate cancer cells. Journal of Urology 172:2035-2039.

15. Tsui KH, Wu LL, Chang PL, Hsieh ML, Juang HH*. 2004. Identifying the combination of the transcriptional regulatory sequences on prostate-specific antigen and human glandular kallikrein genes. Journal of Urology 172:2029-2034.

16. Feng TH, Tsui KH, Juang HH*. 2005. Cholesterol modulation of the expression of mitochondrial aconitase in human prostatic carcinoma cells. Chinese Journal of Physiology 48:93-100.

17. Hsieh ML, Juang HH*. 2005. Cell growth effects of triiodothyronine and expression of thyroid hormone receptor in prostate carcinoma cells. Journal of Andrology 26: 422-428.

18. Tsui KH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2006. Zinc blocks gene expression of mitochondrial aconitase in human prostatic carcinoma cells. International Journal of Cancer 118:609-615.

19. Tsui KH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2006. Maganese antagonizes iron blocking the mitochondrial aconitase expression in human prostate carcinoma cells. Asian Journal of Andrology 8:307-315.

20. Tsui KH, Feng TH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2007. Callium deregulate mitochondrial aconitase gene in the human prostate carcinoma cells. Andrology Update 1:304-312.

21. Tsui KH, Chen SM, Wang TM, Juang HH, Cheng CL, Sun GH, Chang PL. 2007. Comparisoms of vided urine cytology, nuclear matrix protein-22 and bladder tumor associated antigen tests for bladder cancer of geriatric male patients in Taiwan. Asian Journal of Andrology 9:711-715.

22.Tsiu KH, Juang HH, Lee TH, Chang PL, Che CL, Yuang B Y-M. 2008. Association of nucleophosmin/B23 with bladder cancer recurrence based on immunohistochemical assessment in clinical samples. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 29:364-370.

23. Tsui KH, Hsieh WC, Lin MH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2008. Triiodothyronine Modulates cell proliferation of human prostatic carcinoma cells by downregulation of the b-cell translocation gene 2. Prostate 68: 610-619.

24. Tsui KH, Feng TH, Chung LC, Chao CH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2008. Prostate specific antigen gene expression in androgen insensitive prostate carcinoma subculture cell line. AntiCancer Research 28:1969-1976.

25. Tsui KH, Chang PL, Feng TH, Chung LC, Shu SY, Juang HH*. 2008. Down-regulation of matriptase by overexpression of bikunin attenuates cell invasion in prostate carcinoma cells. AntiCancer Research 28:1977-1984.

26. Tsui KH, Chang PL, Feng TH, Chung LC, Sung HC, Juang HH*. 2008. Evaluating the function of matriptase and N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V in prostate cancer metastasis. Anticancer Research 28: 1993-2000.

27. Tsui KH, Feng TH, Hsieh WC, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2008. Expression of interleukin-6 is downregulated by 17-(allylamino)-17-demethoxygeldanamycin in human prostatic carcinoma cells. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica 29:1334-1341.

28.Tsui KH, Feng TH, Lin CM, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2008. Curcumin blocks the activating of androgen and interlukin-6 on prostate specific antigen expression in human prostatic carcinoma cells. Journal of Andrology 29: 661-668.

29. Pang ST, Hsieh WC, Chuang CK, Chao CH, Weng WH, Juang HH*. 2009. Thioredoxin-interacting protein: an oxidative-stress related gene is upregulated by glucose in human prostate carcinoma cells. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 42:205-214.

30. Juang HH, Lin YF, Chang PL, Tsui KH. 2010. Cardiac glycosides reduce prostate specific antigen expression by downregulation of prostate-derived Ets factor. Journal of Urology 84: 2158-2164.

31. Tsui KH, Feng TH, Lin YF, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2011. p53 downregulates the gene expression of mitochondrial aconitase in human prostate carcinoma cells. Prostate 71:62-70.

32. Tsui KH, Lin YF, ChenYH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2011. Mechanisms by which interleukin-6 regulates prostate specific antigen gene expression in prostate LNCaP carcinoma cells. Journal of Andrology 32:383-393.

33.Chung LC, Tsui KH, Feng TH, Lee SL, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2011. Curcumin provides potential protection against the activation of hypoxia and prolyl 4-hydroxylase inhibitors on prostate-specific antigen expression in human prostate carcinoma cells. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 55:1666-1676.

34.Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Chen HY, Lee JM, Juang HH, Chen MF, Takano M, Kittaka A, and Chen TC. 2011. 19-Nor-2α-(3-hydroxypropyl)-1α,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3 (MART-10) is a potent cell growth regulator with enhanced chemotherapeutic potency in liver cancer cells. Steroids 76:1513-1519.

35. Chung LC, Tsui KH, Feng TH, Lee SL, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2012. L-Mimosine blocks cell proliferation via upregulation of B-cell translocation gene 2 and N- myc downstream regulated gene 1 in prostate carcinoma cells American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology 302:C676-C685.

36. Tsui KH, Chung LC, Feng TH, Chang PL, Juang HH.* 2012. Upregulation of prostate-derived ets factor by luteolin causes inhibition of cell proliferation and cell invasion in prostate carcinoma cells. International Journal of Cancer 130: 2812-2823.

37. Tsui KH, Chang YL, Feng TH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2012. Glycoprotein transmembrane nmb: an androgen-downregulated gene attenuates cell invasion and tumorigenesis in prostate carcinoma cells. Prostate 72:1431-1442.

38. Tsui KH, Chang YL, Feng TH, Chung LC, Lee TY, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2012. Growth differentiation factor-15 upregulates interleukin-6 to promote tumorigenesis of prostate carcinoma PC-3 cells. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 49:153-163.

39. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Chen SC, Shen SC, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Pang JH, Su LJ, Takano M, Kittaka A, Juang HH*, Chen TC*. 2012. MART-10, a new generation of vitamin D analog, is more potent than 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) in inhibiting cell proliferation and inducing apoptosis in ER+ MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Evidence Based Complement Alternative Medicine 2012:e310872.

40. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Jan YY, Wu CT, Chen HY, Jwo SC, Takano M, Kittaka A, Juang HH*, Chen TC.* 2013. Evaluation of the potential therapeutic role of a new generation of vitamin D analog, MART-10, in human pancreatic cancer cells in vitro and in vivo. Cell Cycle 12:1316-1325.

41. Tsui KH, Wang SW, Chung LC, Feng TH, Chen YH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2013. Mechanisms by which interleukin-6 attenuates cell invasion and tumorigenesis in human bladder carcinoma cells. BioMed Research International 2013:e791212

42. Yeh CN, Chiang KC, Juang HH, Pang JH S, Yu CS, Lin KJ, Yeh TS*, Jan YY* 2013. Reappraisal of the therapeutic role of celecoxib in cholangiocarcinoma. PLoS one 8:e69928.

43. Tsui KH, Chung LC, Wang SW, Feng TH, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2013. Hypoxia upregulates the gene expression of mitochondrial aconitase in prostate carcinoma cells. Journal of Molecular Endocrinology 51:131-141

44. Juang HH, Chung LC, Feng TH, Lee YH, Chang PL, Tsui KH. 2013. Metallothionein 3: an androgen-upregulated gene enhances cell invasion and tumorigenesis of prostate carcinoma cells. Prostate 73:1495-1506.

45. Chiang KC, Yeh CN , Hsu JT , Chen LW , Kuo SF , Sun CC , Huang CC , Pang JHS , Flanagan JN , Takano M, Kittaka A, Juang HH, Yang SW*, Chen TC* . 2013. MART-10, a novel vitamin D analog, inhibits head and neck squamous carcinoma cells growth through cell cycle arrest at G0/G1 with upregulation of p21 and p27 and downregulation of telomerase. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 138:427-434.

46. Lee WC, Lin YH, Hou CP, Chang PL, Chen CL, Juang HH, Tsui KH. 2013. Prostatectomy using different lasers for the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia in aging males. Clinical Interventions in Aging 8: 1483–1488

47.Chiang KC, Chen SC, Yeh CN, Pang S JH , Shen SC, Hsu JT, Liu YY, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Takano M, Kittaka A, Sun CC, Juang HH*, Chen TC*. 2014. MART-10, a less calcemic vitamin D analog, is more potent than 1a, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in inhibiting the metastatic potential of MCF-7 breast cancer cells in vitro. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 139:54-60.

48. Chiang KC, Tsui KH, Chung LC, Yeh CN, Chang PL, Chen WT, Juang HH*. 2014. Topoisomerase inhibitors modulate gene expression of B-cell translocation gene 2 and prostate specific antigen in prostate carcinoma cells. PLoS One 9:e89117.

49. Chiang KC, Tsui KH, Chung LC, Yeh CN, Chen WT, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2014. Celastrol blocks interleukin-6 gene expression via downregulation of NF-κB in prostate carcinoma cells. PLoS One 9:e93151

50. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Lin KJ, Su LJ, Yen TC, Pang JHS, Kittaka A, Sun CC, Chen MF, Jan YY, Chen TA, Juang HH*, Yeh TS*. 2014. Chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic effect of dietary supplementation of vitamin D on cholangiocarcinoma in a chemical-induced animal model. Oncotarget 5:3849-3861.

51. Chiang KC, Tsui KH, Chung LC, Yeh CN, Feng TH, Chen WT, Chang PL, Chiang HY, Juang HH*. 2014. Cisplatin modulates B-cell translocation gene 2 to attenuate cell proliferation of prostate carcinoma cells in both p53-dependent and p53-independent pathways. Scientific Reports 4:5511.

52. Hou CP, Chen CL, Lin YH, Chang PL, Juang HH, Tsui KH*. 2014. Prostatic urethral angle might be a predictor of treatment efficacy of α-blockers in men with lower uringary tract symptoms. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 8:937-943.

53. Yang PS, Hsu YC, Lin YH, Hou CP, Chen CL, Chang PL, Juang HH, Tsui KH*. 2014. The expression sequence tag is an effective method for screening DNA segments that predict urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma prognosis. OncoTargets and Therapy 7:1777-1781.

54. Shao IH, Lin YH, Hou CP, Juang HH, Chen CL, Chang PL, Tsui KH*. 2014. Risk factors associated with ineligibility of adjuvant cisplatin-based chemotherapy after nephroureterectomy. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 8: 1985–1991.

55. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Hsu JT, Jan YY, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Takano M, Kittaka Atsushi, Chen TC, Chen WT, Pang JHS, Yeh TS, Juang HH*. 2014. The Vitamin D analog, MART-10, represses metastasis potential via downregulation of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in pancreatic cancer cell. Cancer Letters 354:235-244.

56. Lee JC, Chung LC, Chen YJ, Feng TH, Juang HH*. 2014. N-myc downstream-regulated gene 1 downregulates cell proliferation, invasiveness and tumorigenesis in human oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Letters 355:242-252.


57.Hou CP, Lee WC, Lin YH, Chen SM, Chen CL, Chang PL, Juang HH, Tsui KH*. 2015. Neoadjuvant hormone therapy following treatment with robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy achieved favorable in high-risk prostate cancer. OncoTargets and therapy 8:15-19.

58. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Chung LC, Feng TH, Sun CC, Chen MF, Jan YY, Chen SC, Yeh TS, Juang HH*. 2015. WNT-1 inducible signaling pathway protein 1 enhances growth and tumorigenesis in human breast cancer. Scientific Reports 5:8686.

59. Tsui KH, Chung LC, Feng TH, Lee TY, Chang PL, Chen WT, Juang HH*. 2015. Divergent effect of liver X receptor agonists on prostate-specific antigen expression is dependent on androgen receptor in prostate carcinoma cells. Prostate 75:603-615.

60. Lee JC, Chung LC, Chen YJ, Feng TH, Chen WT, Juang HH*. 2015. Upregulation of B-cell translocation gene 2 by epigallocatechin-3-gallate via p38 and ERK signaling blocks cell proliferation in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Cancer Letters 360:310-318.

61. Tsui KH, Hsu SY, Chung LC, Lin YH, Feng TH, Lee TY, Chang PL, Juang HH*. 2015. Growth differentiation factor-15: a p53- and demethylation-upregulating gene represses cell proliferation, invasion, and tumorigenesis in bladder carcinoma cells. Scientific Reports 5: 12870

62. Chiang KC, Yen CL, Yeh CN, Hsu JT, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Wang SY, Sun CC, Kittaka A, Chen TC, Yeh TS, Hsu SY, Juang HH*. 2015. Hepatocellular carcinoma cells express 25(OH)D-1α-hydroxylase and is able to convert 25(OH)D to 1α,25(OH)2D, leading to the 25(OH)D-induced growth inhibition. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 154: 47–52.

63. Chiang KC, Chen HY, Hsu SY, Pang JHS, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Chen SC, Sun CC, Yeh CN and Juang HH*. 2015. PTEN insufficiency modulates ER+ breast cancer cell cycle progression and increases cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 9: 4631–4638.

64. Chiang KC, Kuo SF, Chen CH, Ng S, Lin SF, Yeh CN, Chen LW, Takano M, Chen TC, Juang HH, Kittaka A, Lin JD and Pang JS. 2015. MART-10, the vitamin D analog, is a potent drug to inhibit anaplastic thyroid cancer cell metastatic potential. Cancer Letters 369:76-85.

65. Shen CR, Juang HH, Chen HS, Yang CJ, Wu CJ, Lee MH, Hwang YS, Kuo ML, Chen YS, Chen JK, Liu CL. 2015. The correlation between chitin and acidic mammalian chitinase in animal models of allergic asthma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16: 27371–27377.

66. Chiang KC, Sun CC, Chen MH, Huang CY, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Juang HH*, Takano M, Kittaka A, Chen TC, Yeh CN*, Pang JHS* 2016. MART-10, the new brand of 1α, 25 (OH) 2 D 3 analog, is a potent anti-angiogenic agent in vivo and in vitro. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 155: 26-34.

67.Tsui KH, Lin YH, Chung LC, Chuang ST, Feng TH, Chiang KC, Chang PL, Yen CL. Juang HH*. 2016. Prostate-derived ets factor represses tumorigenesis and modulates epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in bladder carcinoma cells. Cancer Letters 375:142-151.

68. Chiang KC, Yeh TS, Chen SCh, Pang JHS, Yeh CN, Hsu JT, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Takano M, Kittaka A, Chen TC, Sun CC, Juang HH*. 2016. The Vitamin D analog, mart-10, attenuates triple negative breast cancer cells metastatic potential. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17: 606

69. Yang SW, Tsai CY, Pan YC, Yeh CN, Pang JHS, Takano M, Kittaka A, Juang HH, Chen TC, Chiang KC. 2016. MART-10, a newly synthesized vitamin D analog, represses metastatic potential of head and neck squamous carcinoma cells. Drug Design, Development and Therapy 10:1995–2002

70. Chiang KC, Yeh CN; Pang JH, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Chen LW, Kong SF, Hsieh P, Pan YC, Takano M, Chen TC, Kittaka A, Feng TH, Juang HH*. 2016. 1α,25(OH)2D3 analog, MART-10, inhibits neuroendocrine tumor cell growth through Induction of G0/G1 cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Anticancer Research 36: 3307-3314

71. Chiang KC, Hsu SY, Lin SJ, Yeh CN, Pang JHS, Wang SY, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Cheng YC, Juang HH*. 2016. PTEN insufficiency increases breast cancer cell metastasis in vitro and in vivo - in a xenograft zebrafish model. Anticancer Research 36: 3997-4005.

72. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Huang CC, Yeh TS, Pang JHS, Hsu JT, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Kittaka A, Chen TC, Juang HH*. 2016. 25(OH)D is effective to repress human cholangiocarcinoma cell growth through the conversion of 25(OH)D to 1α,25(OH)2D3. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17: 1326.

73. Lee JC, Chiang KC, Feng TH, Chen YJ, Chuang ST, Tsu KH, Chung LC, Juang HH*. 2016. The iron chelator, Dp44mT, effectively inhibit human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell growth in vitro and in vivo. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17:1435

74. Chiang K, Yeh TS, Wu RC, Pang JHS, Cheng CT, Wang S, Juang HH*, Yeh CN* 2016. Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) is a promising target for cholangiocarcinoma treatment and bile LCN2 level is a potential cholangiocarcinoma diagnostic marker. Scientific Reports 6:36138.

75. Chiang NY, Peng YM, Juang HH, Chen TC, Pan HL, Chang GW, Lin HH. 2017. GPR56/ADGRG1 activation promotes melanoma cell migration via NTF dissociation and CTF-mediated Gα12/13/RhoA signaling. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology 137: 727-736.

76. Chung LC, Chiang KC, Feng TH, Chang KS, Chuang ST, Chen YJ, Tsui KH, Lee JC, Juang HH*. 2017. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester upregulates Nmyc downstream regulated gene 1 via ERK pathway to inhibit human oral cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 61:1600842

77.Chiang KC, Yeh TS, Huang CC, Chang YC, Juang HH*, Cheng CT, Pang JHS, Hsu JT, Takano M, Chen TC, Kittake A*, Hsiao M, Yeh CN*. 2017. MART-10 represses cholangiocarcinoma cell growth and high vitamin D receptor expression indicates better prognosis for cholangiocarcinoma. Scientific Reports.7:43773

78. Lin YH, Hou CP, Chen TH, Juang HH, Chang PL, Yang PS, Lin YS, Chen CL, Tsui KH. 2017. Is Diabetes Mellitus associated with clinical outcome in aging male treated with transurethral resection of prostate for bladder outlet obstruction: Implications from Taiwan Nationwide Population-Based cohort study. Clinical Interventions in Aging. 12: 535–541. 

79. Chiang KC, Yeh CN, Pang JHS, Hsu JT, Yeh TS, Chen LW, Kuo SF, Takano M, Chen TC, Kittaka A, Hsieh PJ, Juang HH*. 1α,25(OH)2D3 Analog, MART-10, Inhibits Neuroendocrine Tumor Cell Metastasis After VEGF-A Stimulation. AntiCancer Research 37: 6215-6221.

80. Tsui KH, Chang YL, Feng TH, Hou CP, Lin YH, Yang PS, Lee BW, Juang HH*. 2018. Capillarisin blocks prostate-specific antigen expression on activation of androgen receptor in prostate carcinoma cells. Prostate 78:242-249.

81. Lin YH, Hou CP, Chen TH, Juang HH, Chang PL, Yang PS, Chen CL, Tsui KH. 2018. Transurethral resection of the prostate provides more favorable clinical outcomes compared with conservative medical treatment in patients with urinary retention caused by benign prostatic obstruction. BMC Geriatrics 18:15.

82. Tsui KH, Chiang KC, Feng TH, Chang KS, Lin YH, Juang HH*. 2018. BTG2 is a tumor suppressor gene and upregulated by p53 and PTEN in human bladder carcinoma cells. Cancer Medicine 7:184-195

83. Tsui KH, Chang YL, Yang PS, Hou CP, Lin YH, Lee BW, Feng TH,Juang HH*. 2018. The inhibitory effects of capillarisin on cell proliferation and invasion of prostate carcinoma cells. Cell Proliferation 51:e12429

84.Hou CP, Lin YH, Chen TH, Chang PL, Juang HH, Chen CL, Yang PS, Tsui KH. 2018. Transurethral resection of the prostate achieves favorable outcomes in stroke patients with symptomatic benign prostate hyperplasia. The Aging man 21: 9-16.

85. Chiang KH, Yang SW, Chang KP, Feng TH, Chang KS, Tsui KH, Shin YS, Chen CC, Chao M, Juang HH*. 2018. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester induces N-myc downstream regulated gene 1 to inhibit cell proliferation and invasion of human nasopharyngeal cancer cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 19: 1397.