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Anatomy teaching area

Anatomy teaching area:

The Chang Gung University anatomy teaching area is to provide an ideal learning environment for understanding the human structures by teaching gross anatomy, histology, and embryology to the medical students. Through the memory of the cadavers “the silent teachers” with their selfless spirits, we cultivate the students’ original intention of medicine, “dedication and gratitude”. The anatomy teaching area includes six main blocks. Anatomy Lecture Hall is a large dedicated classroom for 175 students. Anatomy Dissecting Room is a spacious facility where consists of 17 dissecting tables for students in exploring human anatomy. The room built in ceiling surgical lamps and furnished full sets of fume hoods and ventilators in simulating surgical environment to facilitate learning outcome. Histology Laboratory is a ssroom holds various microscopes and histological slides for 180 students and equips digital learning packages in advancing teaching quality. Gallery of “Medicine and Art” located at the hallway of the histology laboratory, decorating a series of magnified histological posters to express the entailed beauty of the human tissues in highlighting the science and art of medicine. In front of the anatomy hall is the Memorial Squarestudents will write down appreciations to “the silent teachers”, fold into a paper crane, and put on the Memorial Bulletin Board in Teachers’ Day and Tomb Sweeping Day every year. All paper cranes will go along with “the silent teachers” during their cremation ceremony. On the way to the anatomy dissecting room is the Gallery of Gratitude where a medical student wrote down “The truly and precious knowledge to the road of medicine is being grateful.” in Chinese calligraphy.

Anatomy Lecture Hall 

Anatomy Dissecting Room 

Histology Laboratory

Gallery of “Medicine and Art” 

Memorial Square

Gallery of Gratitude